
Power Packed: Lithium-Ion Batteries Shipping Safe

This is because lithium batteries pose some risks that are associated with shipping, such as fire risks and thermal runaway. These rules are implemented by global institutions like the United Nations, IATA, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) that provide recommendations for the transportation of both lithium li ion batteries and lithium metal batteries through the sea, air, and overland. Lithium batteries are grouped in their chemistry, the lithium quantity contained in them, and the way they are packed lithium ion batteries contained. It measures the same batteries based on their weight, their quantity, and some of the labels that they are allowed to display. For instance, loose lithium metal batteries are not allowed in passenger aircraft; lithium-ion batteries need to have a charging level of not more than 30% and need to be conductors properly. However, lithium batteries incorporated or shipped with equipment are restricted differently by their weight, where cargo aircraft admit heavy packages more than passenger flights. They also differ by region and type of transport and contain specific rules set in the USA, Europe, and other world’s regions. For shippers, it is beneficial and important to adhere to those guidelines, which are listed below, so as to avoid dangers occurring and shipping costs during transportation of lithium batteries, which are significant for the free circulation in the global supply chain.