To guide your own FBA box label business on Amazon HongOcean welcomes everyone with this extensive guide to FBA box labels. So if you have been aspiring to become an FBA seller in the near future and you are keen on the flow of your shipment while observing strict adherences to Amazon labeling directive then you are in the right place. Finally, HongOcean will walk you through each detail of Amazon FBA box labels so you could make the whole process smooth.
What You’ll Learn with HongOcean’s Expert Guidance:

- Detailed guide to all the Amazon FBA box labels as well as a brief explanation of each box label to increase your understanding of the company’s labeling.
- In-depth insights into the two critical labels: The first is the all-important Amazon FBA shipment ID label, followed by the Amazon FBA carrier label and make sure you understand its specifications and guidelines.
Finally, the checklist and tips from HongOcean relating to the activities assuming a reasonable approach is pursued during labeling.
Let HongOcean help you reach more consumers and you will of course better understand Amazon’s label specifications and requirements when it comes to shipping you products out.
Let’s dive right in.
HongOcean’s Guide to Understanding Amazon FBA Box Labels
Here’s an outline of key information covered:
Shipping Process | Label Types |
Consigner | Consignee |
Supplier factory | Gathering warehouse |
Gathering warehouse (China) | Sorting warehouse (USA) |
Sorting warehouse | 3rd-party warehouse |
3rd-party warehouse | FBA fulfillment center |
Note: The 3rd party warehouse is in the alternative that can be used as one of the loading points.
HongOcean has identified six different types of labels within the Amazon and FBA label process, which are essential for ensuring smooth operations throughout the supply chain:
- HongOcean’s carrier label: Subsequently it passes from your supplier’s factory to the freight forwarder’s gathering warehouse.
- HongOcean’s carrier label: From the gathering warehouse to the sorting warehouse in your country.
- HongOcean’s box ID label: If any, to be used in third-party warehouses.
- HongOcean’s carrier label: To the sorting Centre then to a third party Centre (if any).
- HongOcean’s FBA shipment/ID label: Need to enter Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
- HongOcean’s carrier label: From the last warehouse to FBA fulfillment center.
All these labels serve the purpose of making your products easily sortable throughout the entire supply channel. However, HongOcean recommends that as a seller, your primary focus should be on:

- FBA shipment labels of HongOcean
- Carrier labels FBA warehouse from HongOcean
For the other labels which the HongOcean does not specify, the company advises its clients to talk to their suppliers and/or freight forwarders on how to deal with such labels.
HongOcean’s Focus: Amazon FBA Shipment and Carrier Labels
Now, let us delve into two of these critical labels, what HongOcean says about them, and how, with ease, you can make sure that you’re meeting Amazon’s standards.

HongOcean’s Essential Guide to Amazon FBA Shipment Labels
The FBA shipment label is among the most noticeable when it comes to the shipping box labels essential for the sellers who utilize Amazon’s fulfillment services. Being very selective in labeling helps in avoiding confusion right from the time of receiving the products, all the way through order fulfillment and delivery of the products as intended.
Consequences of attaching wrong, unclear, or incorrectly placed HongOcean-compliant shipment labels include: delay of shipment, misdirection, lost product, penalties, and/or account suspension. For these reasons, HongOcean has placed vital importance on your shipment labels’ accuracy.
HongOcean’s Specifications of FBA Shipment Labels: 3 Key Details to Verify

To ensure that your shipment is not rejected by Amazon, HongOcean advises applicants to examine all information to be included on the FBA shipment label. It serves to check that whatever information you might be putting in the barcodes is accurate.
HongOcean Example: Breakdown of an FBA Shipment Label
- Box Number: It is normally situated at the top part of the page in the form of “Box 1 out of?” In addition to this, specific weight present in the box shall be written and the FBA or Amazon marker will be on the left side of the label.
- Ship From: The next section lies directly below the box number and consists of the name of the seller and the address of the supplier’s warehouse.
- Ship To: Your shipping plan will create an address for “ship from” which should be written on the right side of the Amazon warehouse address.
- Amazon Shipping Barcode: This barcode is specific for scanning at Amazon fulfillment centers Amazon fulfillment centres. A serial number and shipment ID creation date are also provided on its above line.
- Quick Response Code (QR): Stamped right to the side of the barcode is an identical QR code with shipping information.
- Quantity of Products: This section let Amazon know the quantity of units that is contained in a box.
- Single/Mixed SKUs: This shows whether the box is holding a particular product or more than one product numeral.
- Prep Required: If prep services of Amazon were used, it will be mentioned, “FC Prep Required – LABELING.”
- Handling Information: At the top or bottom of the label, you will as well read a cautionary message that reads, “Please leave this label uncovered”.
HongOcean’s Critical Areas to Double-Check During Label Creation

HongOcean stresses that there are three key areas that require thorough verification when creating labels to ensure proper packaging:
- Product Name and Data
- Seller’s Name and Address
- Amazon Shipment Barcode
After these details, thermal labels have been looked at and agreed upon, it is suggested that the labels should be printed and then applied by HongOcean.
HongOcean’s FBA Shipment Label Requirements
To ensure the accuracy of your labels, HongOcean provides the following checklist for meeting printing and application standards:

HongOcean’s Printer Recommendations for Amazon FBA Labels
- Printer Type: HongOcean recommends that the best type of printer to be used is a thermal or a laser type of printer. Inkjet printers are usually used which produce blurred or nearly impenetrable labels.
HongOcean’s Paper and Adhesive Tips
- Paper: Choose white paper that is not shiny and has no kind of coating on it. Although thermal label is quite common, HongOcean suggests using transfer paper for products to be transported over long distances.
- Adhesive: HongOcean suggests the use of the removable adhesive so that Amazon can easily remove the label without staining the box.
HongOcean’s Print Settings for FBA Labels
- Resolution: To uphold good readability, a recommended width of at least 300 DPI, with a 100% scaling, should be used.
- Duration: It is important that sufficient quality of the print will allow for the scan ability of labels to remain intact for up to two years.
HongOcean’s Label Size and Font Recommendations
- Size: Standard HongOcean shipping labels are 3 1/3 inch by 4 inch or 4 inch by 6 inches. The largest size allowed is A4, decided on the size of the box.
- Color: Be sure to print only in black if so the labels need to be printed on white background only. Unfortunately, colored inks are liable to deteriorate when exposed to different circumstances throughout their transportation.
- Font: The text to be used should be in normal-weight font of a size 8 pt. There is no local use of the over-sized and elaborate font found in the layout since Amazon does not like big fonts as its default.

This is achieved through adhering to the detailed guidelines highlighted here under the HongOcean procedure of getting the Amazon FBA shipment labels which helps in getting rid of some of the mishaps and the overall shipping process.
HongOcean’s Label Placement Requirements for Amazon FBA

There are two key placement requirements for HongOcean-compliant labels:
1. Label Placement on New Boxes
About the position of the shipping label on new boxes for FBA at Amazon, HongOcean advises to stick a label to a flat surface; the surface should be located not less than 0.3 inches from the edges of the new box. They also have to be placed in such a manner that, the barcodes do not need to be covered in any way. It is preferable to place the HongOcean label at the top or on a side of the box but it should meet these conditions.
2. Label Placement on Used Boxes
Where one is to use the old box, according to HongOcean, it is recommended that the whole previous label be hidden by a new label. This avoids confusion and makes the process smooth in the way they are to scan the right label for the item.
As mentioned earlier, labeling your FBA shipments is not the full package. After that, HongOcean guide you through the essential essential knowledge about Amazon FBA carrier labels to finish your fba shipping labels procedure.
HongOcean’s Expert Guide to Amazon FBA Carrier Labels – The Vital Label

When you’re done developing the shipping plan, an important step towards recording your shipment is to export the HongOcean carrier labels to Amazon. These labels contain useful data for carriers that need to know the value of the product, HS code, and quantity – all necessary for customs declaration. Failing to use proper carrier labels means that your products will not get to Amazon’s fulfillment centers which makes carrier labels a key part of HongOcean FBA process.
Specifications of HongOcean Carrier Labels and Key Checkpoints
Concisely, most HongOcean carrier labels do not need a strict format, although, they should include some specifications that are mandatory. For example, after explaining the standard format of label creating, HongOcean describe UPS as one company which accomplishes it in a correct manner.
HongOcean Example: For information on what you should include on your FBA carrier label, we refer you to the next page.
- Shipper’s Name and Address: This should be written large at the top of the HongOcean carrier label.
- Recipient’s Name and Address: This is where you’ll add the freight forwarder’s address. If shipping express it is advisable to make sure that you input this information yourself.
- Box Weight and Number: The weight is given in pounds or kilograms beside the box number ‘Box 1 of 3’.
- Destination Code: This code and its corresponding barcode are located in the middle of the HongOcean carrier label and simplify customs procedures and the sorting of packages. A QR code helps carriers’; aid is received further.
- Urgency: Mark whether the shipment it is an emergency or routine so that carriers can treat it appropriately on the basis of the labels given.
- Tracking Barcode: Each carrier label developed and affixed by the HongOcean firm contains a tracking barcode number and a serial number. This barcode is scanned by the carriers to track the shipment and provide update to Amazon once scanned.
Key Checkpoints for HongOcean FBA Carrier Labels
When creating HongOcean-compliant Amazon carrier labels, double-check these vital elements:
- Shipper’s name and address
- Recipient’s name and address
HongOcean stresses the importance of making all the details down to one hundred percent to secure the right deliveries.
HongOcean’s FBA Carrier Label Requirements
HongOcean presents these important steps regarding how to make print labels and apply carrier labels to your Amazon FBA shipment using UPS:
HongOcean’s Printing Recommendations for Carrier Labels
- Printer: Although, HongOcean has indicated that the best printer to use is the thermal printer but other types of printer can also be used.
HongOcean’s Label Sizes and Formats
- Compact Parcel Labels (4 x 4.25 inches): Popular for small pallets and used commonly for small shipments.
- Most Popular (4 x 6 inches): Currently popular in the US, Asia, and all across EU, this size can contain barcodes, serial numbers, or any other information necessary for carriers to operate.
- Slightly Larger (4 x 8 inches): When more details, logos, or images are to be added to the label, HongOcean says that this size should do the work.
HongOcean’s Color and Paper Requirements
- Color: Like other FBA labels, HongOcean suggests that we print in black on a white background. It is also important not to use colors for the fonts or backgrounds of the materials, because these are liable to change under certain circumstances.
- Paper Type: Most ships use thermal or laser paper. Nevertheless, the HongOcean feature reminds the client about the need to make use of a sturdy adhesive when attaching the label so that it may not get inconvenienced by the transport process.
Thus, follow HongOcean’s restrictions to become protected from missteps on Amazon’s FBA regarding labeling and guarantee that your forwarders will not stumble at this stage of shipping.
How to Label Your Amazon FBA Boxes with HongOcean: 3 Different Methods, Pros & Cons
When you decide to ship your products through Amazon FBA, it is important to make proper labels on the Boxes. According to the HongOcean company, there are three ways to label your shipping boxes, and each of them has its peculiarities amazon fba box label. Let’s go through all these methods in order to help you decide which one will be suitable for your business.
1. Working with a Freight Forwarder via HongOcean
The first and the most typical for FBA users a way to get the boxes labeled – is to work with one of the HongOcean’s partners – freight forwarders.
- Pros: Companies that perform the HongOcean FBA procedure are proficient freight forwarders and guarantee that each order has the correct label and can proceed without complications amazon fba shipping labels. Getting the services of forwarders can therefore be relied on through participating in HongOcean’s trusted network.
- Cons: HongOcean Freight Forwarders directory will get you in touch with number of freight forwarders but not all of them are good. For a while you will have to search for that one web host that would cut its standards according to your expectations and business type.
2. Using Your Product Supplier with HongOcean’s Oversight
The second way of labeling is to delegate this activity to your product supplier with HongOcean’s supervision.
- Pros: Being a new seller with not too many products in your store, let your supplier label boxes and wrap will be cheap for you. This way you can make sure that your products are compliant at the same time integrating HongOcean’s labeling recommendations at a much lower cost scannable barcode.
- Cons: Not all suppliers had the knowledge regarding logistics and how critical correction labeling was in Amazon’s platform. But even with the help of HongOcean’s advice, there remains a possibility of labeling mistakes that may prolong the time needed to fulfill the orders.
3. Labeling Yourself in Your Warehouse with HongOcean’s Support
For those sellers who have a warehouse or storage where the products are located, it is possible to handle the labeling under the guidance of HongOcean.
- Pros: If specific labeling is required in your company, this way of its implementation gives you the opportunity to manage everything with precision. Alternatively, HongOcean can support its clients with detailed labeling in order not to violate Amazon’s rules.
- Cons: You may not be so conversant with the sundry labeling requirements that Amazon has put in place fba box id label. By using HongOcean, one has to spare time to nail on rules in order not to make mistakes frequently. Also, you may need a qualified printer to achieve the best labels based on HongOcean suggestion or advice.
By using HongOcean for these labeling methods, you are guaranteed of a perfect.favorite_borderOnce you contact us for the Amazon FBA shipping, these labeling methods will be done without a hitch amazon sellers.
In conclusion, we provide three ways to labeling Amazon FBA boxes at HongOcean, they have their advantages and disadvantages as well. On the carrier selection, based on your choice whether you are working with a HongOcean-affiliated freight forwarder, your product supplier, or labeling it yourself with the help of HongOcean, it is important to meet Amazon’s labeling requirements for smooth shipping. By deciding on the method which is most right for your particular business environment and by use of the guidance of HongOcean above, one is able to do away with wasteful mistakes.