Container Freight Station (CFS) Cut-Off

The Container Freight Station (CFS) cut-off refers to the deadline for LCL goods to be delivered to the CFS for processing. At the CFS, LCL cargo goes through a series of processes: consolidation, sorting, packing, and registration. The CFS consolidates cargo from different shippers into a container, which is usually done with plenty of time to spare. These LCL shipments must usually complete all necessary procedures before the deadline to ensure they can be loaded on time and depart as scheduled.

The deadline at the container freight station is usually five days before the scheduled flight departure time. However, the time may vary depending on the freight forwarder, shipping company, and container freight station operating requirements. Therefore, when arranging transportation, the consignor or freight forwarder must understand and confirm the specific deadline to ensure that the goods can be delivered to the container freight station on time.

If LCL shipments do not arrive at the container freight station by the deadline, they cannot be loaded into the container and shipped as planned, causing delays. Goods that miss the deadline may be loaded onto the next ship, further delaying the delivery of the goods. This will affect the shipper’s cargo transportation plan and may result in additional costs.

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